With convenient locations in East Lansing and Grand Rapids, Warmels Comstock’s certified public acco
With convenient locations in East Lansing and Grand Rapids, Warmels Comstock’s certified public accounting firm provides services to clients throughout Michigan — including audit, bookkeeping, tax planning and preparation, valuation, business consulting and mergers and acquisitions.
In addition to providing clients with valuable information about our respected firm, our dedicated team and the full-range of services we provide, this website contains numerous useful resources. Our experienced accountants, CPAs and tax professionals take pride in assuring you that our personal assistance comes from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen.
Whether you are an individual filing a complex return or a large corporation dealing with tax issues, the accounting and tax team at Warmels Comstock stand ready to tackle any challenge — while providing you with big firm results without the big firm price.
Keywords: LocationsinEastLansingandGrandRapids CertifiedPublicAccountants CPAs BusinessandIndividualTaxes Accounting TaxPlanning&PreparationinMichigan
MI GrandRapids Lansing